Rambling Way Studio
Kate J. Kimball : Making Every Day

Kate J. Kimball : artist, introvert, seminary drop-out, multi-faith chaplain for life, contemplative, pilgrim/peregrina...
Hi! My name is Kate, and I am beginning a new venture in my life, marrying my love of all things spiritual in nature with my passion for all things creative in nature, and in the process am finding out some surprising things about my own spiritual and creative nature! I have served as a religious educator, director of spiritual exploration, and most recently - for the last three years - as a hospital chaplain. I have sat meditation during week-long silent retreats and walked more than 500 miles (yes, just like the song!) along the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. I am a lifelong artist, learner, and seeker, and I hope to share these impulses with you through this site and through this new iteration of my work in the world.

This new leg of my rambling way came about when I began to get messages from my body that I could no longer ignore. I’ve had a lifetime of stomach aches, but the pain and fatigue I was experiencing was growing alarming, and distracting. I was diagnosed with celiac - an autoimmune condition wherein gluten acts as a trigger for the immune system to attack the small intestine and other internal organs. After a great deal of proverbial kicking and screaming, and some very real spiritual direction from several doctors, advisors, mentors, and friends, I decided to do a very difficult thing and stepped away from both my pursuit of an MDiv after three years of learning in the seminary setting, and away from my role as a hospital chaplain.
I gave my body a break, and she gratefully recieved that gift.
During this time, I took two and three naps each day, awaking only to feel pain and exhaustion. The highlight of my life was a printmaking class that I stumbled into at a local art center in my hometown. That class was like a lighthouse, or a way-marker, pointing me back to myself.
I often joke that I do everything in the wrong order and backwards - the path can certainly feel circuitous at times. At Rambling Way Studio, I am honoring the journey as it is - the twists and turns along the way that I see now in fact resemble a spiraling wave or infinite fractal shape. Nothing in this journey has been wasted, and I hope to share it with you.
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